Our bags and sleeves for the Macbook all have one thing in common. They are made from our fine Italian leather, which we source directly from an Italian family tannery in Tuscany. This leather is traditionally preserved with tanning agents from plants. We promise not to use any chemicals.
In contrast to the often very fast chrome tanning process, which rarely takes longer than 3 days to preserve the leather, vegetable tanning (also known as vegetal tanning) often takes up to 30 days. Our Conceria 800 tannery uses traditional pit tanning. The leather is placed in a deep pit with tanning liquid and remains there for 30 - 60 days at a time until the leather has the right consistency. Of course, this makes the Macbook Pro 14 leather sleeve more expensive, but you also get something very fine.
If you handle your Macbook Pro 14 inch sleeve on a daily basis, you should make sure that your sleeve is vegetable-tanned. Otherwise you may be exposed to chromium VI, which has been proven to be carcinogenic. But you are also doing something good for the environment. After all, we do not use any chemicals at all.
Our sleeves for the Apple Macbook Pro 14 inch have our wonderful vachetta leather on the outside and soft Merino wool felt padding on the inside. Wool felt not only provides excellent protection for your laptop, but the wool felt also insulates perfectly. Why is this important? In winter, the Macbook battery often loses power quickly due to the cold.
However, if the device is wrapped in wool, the wool felt can help to ensure that your battery life remains stable. Explanation: Nature is simply ingenious! Of course, we make sure that we only use wool felt that is not associated with mulesing. In plain language: Our merino wool felt is 100% mulesing-free. That's a promise!
You may have already noticed that we try to design leather bags that are as sustainable as possible. Of course, this includes all materials. That's why we also use a thread made from 100% recycled PET bottles. The thread doesn't come from just anywhere. It is a certified thread from AMANN.
But these fine and sustainable materials are rounded off by production in Solingen, Germany. We believe that a product should not have to be flown around the world to reach you. Do you agree with us?